In album: 1.....Replicated backup appliance lexington ky

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Our appliance solutions are simple to use and easy to maintain. They offer the benefits of a feature-rich, high-performance, disk-to-disk backup solution without the high cost or complexity of today's present backup technologies. Additionally, they can be configured to mirror your data to our Data Facility for additional protection. These units come pre-configured and ready to serve for your LAN. Simply plug it in and connect to it with any web browser.

Replicated backup appliance lexington ky (17)

Replicated backup appliance lexington ky (17) 1.....Replicated backup appliance lexington ky
Our appliance solutions are simple to use and easy to maintain. They offer the benefits of a feature-rich, high-performance, disk-to-disk backup solution without the high cost or complexity of today's present backup technologies. Additionally, they can be configured to mirror your data to our Data Facility for additional protection. These units come pre-configured and ready to serve for your LAN. Simply plug it in and connect to it with any web browser.


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